Your Choice Determines Sustainability


Our choices in life create our reality. These choices have consequences that can result in things either being good, bad, or neutral. Choices form the foundation of what we see today and what we will experience tomorrow. But what exactly is “choice” and how can we make better choices?

Simply put, “choice” is the description of having to choose or decide between two or more possibilities. In this article, we will discuss how our choice impacts the environment and affects the world.

When we see large scale environmental destruction we are sometimes quick to blame multi-national corporations and factories without looking at the man in the mirror first. Yes, we also play a role in defacing the ecosystem. For example, let’s just look at one product, the takeout food container.

Most food outlets use Styrofoam containers which is a type of polystyrene (hard plastic) that is made of harmful chemicals. Over fifty chemical by-products are released during the manufacturing of polystyrene, contaminating the air, water and communities that live near these facilities.

What Is A Safer Alternative?

Instead of Styrofoam, food can be given in a biodegradable container that is made of 100% plant-based materials. A few examples that have been proven to work as effective are paper, bamboo and sugarcane. Biodegradable containers have been proven to consume less energy, reduce waste production, lower petroleum consumption and reduce carbon dioxide levels. Just imagine if most of our products were made of biodegradable material how healthy the ecosystem will feel. At the end of the day, it all starts with your choice.


6 Replies to “Your Choice Determines Sustainability”

  1. This post was very informative! And really eye opening .

    1. Hi Katy, I am glad that our information was eye-opening.
      We have more amazing topics coming soon.

  2. This is an article I am going to agree with.

    Our reality is made up of all and everything we put our efforts in thinking of what to do; when to do; how to do it; why to do it…

    We are in charge & being in charge says alot of making the right decisions so that others can see the benefits of right against the odds of wrong.

    Our thoughts eventually become our actions & it all depends on the choice “You” make.

    Choose your choice wisely because it can make a difference!

    1. Hi Radhica, Thank you for your response, You are absolutely right.
      Our reality is made up of everything we put our efforts into.
      This shows the power within “choice”.

      Stay connected for our upcoming topic!

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